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Gara vasaras kleitas

Gara vasaras kleitas

Regular price €149,00
Regular price Sale price €149,00
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Gara A silueta piegriezuma vasaras kleita ar kabatām.

Kleita ir uz smalkām lencītēm ar regulējamu garumu.

Kleitai komplektā nāk auduma lenta/josta.

Kleitu ir iespējams pasūtīt no diviem dažādiem audumiem un trīs krāsu variācijās:

  1. Melna crepe (Black crepe);
  2. Bēša krēmkrāsas crepe (Cream crepe);
  3. Melns Barbie audums (Black Barbie);
  4. Bēšs krēmkrāsas Barbie audums (Cream Barbie);
  5. Haki zaļš Barbie audums (Haki Barbie).

Crepe ir plāns, viskozs audums ar gaisīgu kritumu, pilnīgi neburzīgs. Audumam ir laba gaisa caurlaidība, tas ir vasarīgs.

Barbie ir stingrāks, viskozs audums ar smagāku kritumu, praktiski neburzīgs. Audumam ir laba gaisa caurlaidība, tas ir vasarīgs.


Gentle washing program at 40°, free drying, avoiding sunlight.

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KRIKL has a passion for black clothing. That is why the elegant, high-quality and feminine clothing brand KRIKL was created. This is not a garment that changes or loses value with the changing seasons of fashion and time. This is an item of clothing that should be in every woman's wardrobe, so that you don't have to go crazy when you can't choose what to wear, but you can just pick up your favorite black dress.

This is an outfit that will live in your closet for a long time, because it is of high quality, and happily, because KRIKL knows how happy, attractive and confident a woman is in black clothes.

Black clothing has one great feature - it can be combined with clothing of absolutely any color. But KRIKL will take care of your basic wardrobe.

Thank you for being part of KRIKL!